Educational services, strategy and ChatBot development for businesses interested in AI applications.



Keep up-to-date with our latest initiatives by visiting our News and Events page.

Build your first ChatBot pilot in two weeks. Our AI-enabled solutions and initiatives are strongly grounded in our extensive research in this field.

The success of any organization hinges on a committed and engaged Board of Directors. As the most critical component of the organization, the Board’s unwavering dedication to the mission is paramount to achieving our goals.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valued partners, both individuals and organization, who have generously contributed their ideas, time, and financial resources. Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership.

Open source and ethical AI use principles. News and events.

The success of any nonprofit organization hinges on a committed and engaged Board of Directors. As the most critical component of the organization, the Board’s unwavering dedication to the mission is paramount to achieving our goals.

Last technological rEvolution is here. It’s time to move forward with free AI answering to all your needs.

Our supporters: good people and companies who donated us ideas or time or even money. We thank you all for your support and help in this last endeavor!